Monday, June 23, 2008


The weather couldn't have been better - clear blue sky, mid 70's, breeze, low humidity. Jonathan had been asking me about fishing so we went on Saturday. Took the canoe to Shackham pond up in the state land. Had to carry the canoe back in, but it was worth it. Had been to the pond since the last time that Jonathan and I had been there fishing in the fall last year. We just puttered around the lake casting. He caught a fish not to long after we started, but then nothing for about an hour. The frogs, you should have heard the frogs! There was a big old bull some place around the pond and when he got going, he sounded like he was everywhere! The other frogs would join in.

We found this one section were we caught a bunch of sunny's, then moved on into a stand of dead trees that stuck out of the water like a bunch of bones. Kept hearing splashing in this area. Brought out the Wayne lure - I call it that because Wayne kept telling me what a great lure it was, 'hey I caught a bass last weekend with this', 'caught a bunch last Saturday', etc. Figured I'd buy one and give it a try. Haven't caught anything with it in 3 years. Well today was the day to break the spell, Jonathan and I started raking in the bass with the Wayne lure! We only kept 2, but it was fun! Cast out and as soon as the lure hit, a bass would pounce on it - wham!

After about an hour it was like someone switched off the fishing and we didn't catch anything more. The sun was intense, but with the breeze and mid 70's it was very nice. Then I looked down - my legs were a pair of lobster tails! Forgot the sun tan lotion. Won't do that again!

What a gift of God this weekend!

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